Tuesday 9 August 2011


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and in all thy getting get understanding- proverbs 4:7
The long age question has been what wisdom meant and in order to answer the multidollar question one needs to realize that wisdom just like love needs to be experienced, felt and then a personal definition could be given. Confused much okay let me help you out by defining what the opposite of wisdom is this is FOOLISHNESS.
Foolishness is not an abuse but rather a state of the mind characterized by immaturity and ignorance which has the end product of bad decisions and choices. Everyone at a point was foolish until a state of maturity was reached then we can say we are wise. A popular adage says that no man is an island- john donne, so it is impossible to say that a man is wise in all his ways at ago because the journey to wisdom is a progressive one, Romans 11:33-35, so we are made wise by the wisdom of God although one has to realize that a conscious deliberate effort has to been made to move away from the state of being foolish.
How do I know if am wise? Well once you have a convincing and verified points backed up by empirical data then you could be regarded has been wise. Wisdom in one area of life doesn’t guarantee wisdom in all areas, for instance a man that is wealthy but has a troubled home, is wise in business but foolish in the things relating to his home front.
                                                 HOW CAN ONE GET WISDOM

1.       WHO YOU FEAR: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, a personal relationship with the Lord matters. Dong His will, following His commandments and what have you makes you wise in all ways and makes that progressive journey  to wisdom much smoother and easier. A man asked  if the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, what then is the beginning of the fear of God and an answer was reached, PAYING YOUR TITHE. SELAH
2.       WHAT YOU READ: study to show yourself approved unto God, to get wisdom you need to study the word of God. Remember when you read the word of God, you only skim the surface; when you study, you discover the treasure, aside the bible you could read autobiographies, texts, books that will help you acquire wisdom. For instance, Nelson Mandela’s biography, the parable of dollar by Dr. Myles Munroe amongst others
3.       WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE: experience has been said to be the best teacher and mostly these are life experiences, life is a school the more we live the more we learn; so try out your possible best to always learn from your past experiences. For instance a man that got fired from a job and didn’t bother to check and improve on himself should get prepared for a whole lot of sack
Letters as time goes on. Remember you went through all those experiences to learn from them.
Wisdom gives you a new perspective about life like seeing every failure has success turned inside out and realizing that the choices you make make you. Allow me to say this it is not compulsory to get wisdom but it is quite necessary. It is a personal decision to make as to if you want to get wisdom but please remember just like there are benefits attached to wisdom so also are some cost you inquire for been foolish such as shame, servitude,(a fool will be a servant to the wise), failure, frustration etc. so the ball is in your courts I place before you foolishness and wisdom but here is a little piece of advice choose wisdom that you may grow in life cause wisdom is the principal thing so get wisdom and in all their getting please get understanding.

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